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The relationship between running and losing weight , what to eat after a run weight loss , what to eat before morning run weight loss eyes on health

what to eat before morning run weight loss

Running (English term meaning "run") is a free practice running, accompanied by own goals with those of a discipline. Running is part of the cult of performance: run longer or faster for example. For runners who exercise it on a regular or even intensive basis, it differs from jogging, which remains an occasional “Sunday” activity, to eliminate excess or get some fresh air.

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Running is a major trend in individual sports, with steady growth in the number of followers.

Because of its more intense form than jogging, running has seen the emergence of many tools and structures and specialized equipment that allow runners to complete their athletic progress: include races and gatherings in all places. , coaches, sports academies, dedicated applications, running shoes, and equipment.

The running is also a commercial market that targets the suppliers of sport, attracted by its novelty, fashionable appearance, and its expression as a social phenomenon.

How to Lose Weight By Running

Using a very gently, gentle approach, you can start to gradually improve your running ability and introduce it as a part of your regular routine. But of course, you will eventually probably want to start increasing the amount of running you’re going to do so that you can start to lose weight. So this is then where you need to calculate how much running you need to do and how you can gradually progress.

Once you have eased yourself into running then, the next step is to start increasing the amount you’re doing. Aim to increase to 5 or 6 miles once a week, which you’ll find is more than enough to start seeing some changes in your body composition over time. After a while, you should start to find that this is enough to begin seeing significant improvements in your overall fitness.

What you’ll likely see specifically, is that your heart rate stays lower while you’re running and that your VO2 max improves (if you have a fitness tracker that is capable of working this out). That means you can now start to push your pace a little and see if you can go faster and longer without becoming exhausted. See if you can start hitting personal bests for your pace and doing the same distance in less time.

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Don’t go crazy with it – stick with what is comfortable and listen to your body. As you improve with that, you can then start to introduce a second session. It can take as many as 3 days to recover from a 40-minute run, so don’t try and fit more than two of these in a week. But if you run on Sunday and Wednesday for example, you should find you have time to recover and that you can start pumping out more strides.

At this point, you’re now going to be seeing a calorie burn of an additional 1,500-2,000 a week. For many people, that’s actually the same as having a whole extra day of burning calories! What’s more, is that you’ll feel a lot more energetic and as you keep pushing yourself to get slightly better times, you’ll find that you also have more energy the rest of the time and can start being more active in your day-to-day life.

This is where having a fitness tracker (which you wear all the time) can actually be superior to a running watch (which you wear just during runs). In this way, you can now start to try and increase your overall step count and calorie burn to gradually keep improving. If your main goal is to lose weight, then this should be more than enough.

Combining Your Running With the Right Diet

Exercise is one part of the equation. The other part of the equation is your diet. More specifically, it is how many calories you are consuming and how many you are burning. So if you want to be very safe about your weight loss and very meticulous, then you can start to track your calories as they go in and out.

To do this, you first need to work out your BMR and your AMR. BMR stands for ‘Basal Metabolic Rate and it is an indicator of the calories that you should burn every day before moving. So in other words, these are the calories you burn simply to stay alive – the calories you burn to breathe, to maintain your immune system, and to digest food.

The basal metabolic rate can be calculated like so:

BMR = 370 + (9.79759519 x LBM(lbs))


BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM(kg))

If that’s a little confusing, it’s probably because you’re not sure what your LBM is. Well, that would be your ‘lean body mass, which is your body mass before fat (because fat isn’t metabolically active, muscle is). To work this out, you just need to take your weight, minus your body fat percentage.

Running Watches and Fitness Trackers 

If there’s one piece of equipment I would highly recommend (other than running shoes), then it is a fitness tracker or a running watch. These are relatively new gadgets and people were happily running without them for many years before they were invented. But the fact remains that these are great devices and they can make a huge difference to your running and your weight loss for a ton of reasons.

Whether you opt for a fitness tracker or a running watch, there are a few things to look for. The best devices need to have:

  •  GPS
  •  A pedometer
  •  Barometer
  •  Heart rate monitor

what to eat before a morning run weight loss

What this then allows you to do is to track your route, measure your distance, count your steps and even measure your steps. That information can also be collated to tell you all kinds of other things, such as:

  •  Your VO2 max (in some cases)
  •  Your MHR (maximum heart rate)
  •  Your average heart rate
  •  Your lowest heartrate
  •  Your best split (the time it took you to complete one mile/kilometer)
  •  Your average split
  •  Your best pace
  •  Your average pace
  •  Your overall distance
  •  Your precise route
  •  Your calories burned
  •  Your number of steps
  •  Your maximum elevation

All this information makes running hugely more fun and a lot more rewarding. Why? For starters, you can now know exactly the distance you’re running without having to set out a specific route before heading out. This makes a big difference because it means you don’t have to know where you want to go but you can still monitor your progress and see improvement.

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It means that you can simply head outside and start running, without meticulously planning a route first and then deigning to stick to it precisely. This is one of my favorite things about running – it allows me to explore new areas and find new locations in my neighborhood. I’ve discovered all kinds of parks, cafes, restaurants, and shops just by running around and I know a ton more shortcuts too. It’s also really good for your sense of direction and internal map.

What all that does, is that it allows you to turn running into a chance to explore and discover new things and this is so much more exciting and motivating than simply running the same route time and time again.  It also means you can set yourself challenges and aim to improve. One week you might find you drastically increase your average pace and split, another week you might see that your heart rate stays much lower while you do the same run.

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This again makes running more rewarding. Before smartwatches, we had no real way to know if we were progressing while running. This made it in some ways less rewarding than going to the gym where you would be able to see the amount of weight you could move go up each time. Suddenly, you can see incremental progress and this makes it much more addictive.

You can also use this to set specific goals if you want to improve in specific domains. And as we’ll learn, this will also make it much easier for you to lose weight. You can do things like monitoring the time you spend in your fat-burning zone, or you can go on ‘tempo runs’ and try and push your anaerobic threshold. And trying to maintain a certain pace is also very useful if you want to train for a marathon where the whole point is to maintain a certain speed over the distance. All this is possible thanks to a running watch!

 Your First Run And Your New Program

So with all that in mind, what can you do to start running if your plan is to stick with it? The first tip is to change the way you approach your first run. A lot of people approach their first run thinking they’re going to burn a ton of calories so that they can quickly see some results. But I want you to put that thought right out of your mind and completely change your approach.

If you start running fast, with the wrong form, and when you’re this tired, you’re just going to hate it. You’ll feel sick, your shins and knees will hurt when your feet hit the pavement and you’ll sweat a bucket. So instead, your aim with your first run is to go slow and just enjoy. Your first goal is to learn to run, not to lose any weight.

So the first few times you do it, you’ll go really gentle and if that means running with a 13-minute/mile pace… so be it! Focus on letting your feet land softly and just taking in the environment around you. You can keep it short too – try two miles. And at the same time, give yourself plenty of rest in between sessions. For the first two months, running once a week is going to be more than sufficient.

Worried that you’re not ‘doing anything? Think again! You’re still changing the way your body works and believe it or not, you’re still going to burn a ton of calories. Run slowly for 30 minutes and you can expect to burn 400 at least. That’s permission to eat dessert (and then some) with no negative consequences calorie-wise (which isn’t the right attitude, just a demonstration). What you’re also going to do, is to find ways to improve your energy levels and start prioritizing your health.

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Remember: energy is a finite quantity and it’s something you need to cultivate if you want to get into shape.

So you’re going to start looking at eating just that little bit healthier (getting more nutrients in your diet will make a massive difference – try a smoothie), sleeping a little bit more (just make it a priority to go to bed on time) and avoiding stress where possible. And look, if your job is leaving you with absolutely no energy and it is filling you with stress, then you should look at getting another job.

What could possibly be more important than your health? At the end of the day, it’s just not a sacrifice that’s worth making. So if you can’t make it work – then this is what you need to change.

Correct Goal Setting

Something else to change if you’ve been able to identify with any of this is the way you set goals. Too many of us make the goal about weight loss. Too many people say they want to ‘lose 10 lbs in 2 months for example. But this is the wrong approach to goal setting. Why? Because when you make this the goal, you make a goal that is much too detached from your day-to-day reality. When the goal is two months away, it’s easy to skip a day of running and tell yourself you’ll make up for it later.

Plus, it makes it all too easy to fail your goal for reasons that genuinely aren’t your fault and then get very disheartened. And on top of all that, this comes back to what we said earlier – improving your health is more important than just losing weight. If you’re only focusing on weight loss, then you’re missing the point of training.
So instead, you should make weight lose your vision. Your vision is what you picture for yourself and what’s going to motivate you.

It doesn’t have to be something you can put into words – it can be an abstract idea. You might just picture yourself looking and feeling healthier than ever. Being confident. Spending time in the sun with your top off. Having incredible six-pack abs.

Becoming an Instagram sensation…

Those emotions will help you to push through when you can’t face training anymore, so you need to really conceptualize your goal and learn to bring it to mind as needed. But then you’re going to think about the steps you need to take to make that vision a reality. In our case, to begin with, at least, the first step is to run once a week.

So that is your goal.

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That is all you’re going to focus on. And in your mind, you’re going to link that idea of running with the vision you’ve created for yourself. Run every week, and get the body you want. The reason this works is that it is a goal that is entirely within your control and it is a goal that you can’t ‘miss’ one week and still accomplish. There are no smaller steps. That said, when you do miss it (by accident), you can just pick it up again next week with no harm done.

The Many Other Benefits of Running 

Fitness shouldn’t just be about losing weight. In fact, this is where a lot of people will go wrong. If you simply aim to lose weight, then you’ll find you can quickly become disheartened and you can make some bad choices regarding your diet and your training. Instead, all forms of fitness and training should be aimed at feeling better and being healthier. Because when you do that, you will find it much easier to stick to what you do and you’ll find that your body changes to look the way you want it to almost as a side effect.

Don’t run to look good – just enjoy the fact that it happens! So the BIG benefit of running is what it does for your health. And it does tons for your health. Obviously, running improves your cardiovascular fitness and your energy.
It’s not just your heart that improves, it’s also your mitochondria and all the other energy systems in your body. This means, quite simply, that you get tired less easily.

That’s true whether you’re playing sports or you’re on a long walk. Bruce Lee used to run for miles every single day and the reason he gave for this was that you can’t expect to be a good fighter if you’re tired out after throwing just a few punches! The same is true for tennis, for football, for rugby. And even just a busy day or stressful commute. When you can run 10 miles, suddenly everything else becomes really easy.

Wouldn’t you love it if everything was really easy? But there are many other, much more specific and scientific benefits to running as well. The first thing it does is to increase the size of your left ventricle. This is the part of your heart that stores oxygenated blood and then pumps it around your body. The stronger and larger this gets, the more blood you can transport around your body with fewer heartbeats.

This is a benefit that is exclusive to steady-state cardio like running – it doesn’t happen with modern forms of HIIT.
What that increased left ventricle means is that you can now deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your body at any given time. That doesn’t only mean when you’re running but also when you’re sleeping and when you’re working. This means you’ll wake up each morning feeling more energetic and you’ll be able to stay awake and alert for longer during the day.

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Have you ever wondered what you could accomplish with one more productive hour? Likewise, that increased power in your heart also means your pulse doesn’t have to work so hard. Instead of going into overdrive to try and pump your blood around your body, your heart can take a much more casual approach and still provide more than enough of what you need, where you need it.

What does this mean? It means that you now have a lower resting heart rate (RHR). That is important because a low resting heart rate is correlated with low cortisol – cortisol being the stress hormone. In other words, when your heart is healthy, you are less physiologically aroused at all times of the day. That means that you will feel much more refreshed and much more rested even when you’re not really doing anything. It means you’ll be able to handle stressful life events much easier and it means that you’ll sleep FAR better (your sleep quality is measured largely by how low your heart rate drops).

This also means your blood pressure will be lower (because blood pressure is a result of the viscosity of your blood and the force of your heart pumping). That, in turn, means you’re much less likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or other incident associated with high blood pressure. When you combine this with lower body weight, you become generally much less likely to become ill or to suffer any kind of serious attack.

Oh, and that lowered cortisol means that you’ll experience higher testosterone. For guys, this means that you’ll be able to see more muscle mass and more fat loss. A lot of people stay away from running because they think it will make them skinny and it will make them burn muscle. We mentioned ‘myostatin’ earlier and indeed this is a compound that causes the breakdown of muscle.

BUT (and this is a big but), running also makes you more anabolic the rest of the time by helping you to rest more efficiently. That means that it can actually boost muscle mass. And this is greatly enhanced by the increased testosterone that correlated with an improved heart rate variability. For men and women alike, running is actually also a very good way to build muscle mass in the legs.

This is attractive in and of itself but it also leads to yet more fat loss and yet more muscle-building (this is why we’re told never to skip leg day!). Women wanting to get ‘fitness model’ type physiques really NEED to run. Because you don’t lose cellulite by losing fat – you lose it by toning up. If you start running, then you will have a much firmer and more toned set of buttocks.

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All these changes have amazing impacts on your mood. This is what happens when you lower the stress hormone and start getting the body you’ve always wanted! But it’s also what happens when you experience the ‘runner’s high’. Running triggers the release of endorphins which are nature’s natural antidepressants and analgesics. They kill pain and they make you feel elated like nothing else.

This is compounded by the fact that running allows you to explore your natural area and usually involves running through naturally beautiful locations. That might mean a nearby forest or it might be a park – either way, countless studies have shown that spending more time in nature further reduces stress and even improves creativity. If you spend most of your time in a noisy, dirty, and polluted urban environment, then this is a great way to get an ‘escape’ and feel a lot better about it!

This is quickly becoming a health fad that some people refer to as ‘bathing in nature’. For me, one of the best parts of running is just getting to explore my local area! And that’s nothing compared with the incredible sense of achievement that you get from beating personal bests. Running is one of the purest forms of self-improvement and an excellent chance to challenge and test yourself.

You’ll be constantly pushing yourself further and harder and it’s a fantastic way to develop mental resolve and resilience. When you’re a runner, nothing can pose an insurmountable challenge anymore. You start to learn that you just have to keep going a little further to cross that finish line. So it is with running and so it is with every other challenge life throws at you.

What Will You Learn About Running Manual 

Sometimes, the best answer is the simple one. Countless people around the world are right now trying to lose weight. In fact, nearly all of us have wanted to shed a few pounds at some point in our life. It’s something that unifies pretty much everyone but it’s also a challenge that is incredibly difficult. Just take a look online for ‘weight loss and you’ll quickly be inundated with different tips, advice, and strategies.

There are countless weight-loss diets out there, 101 different workout routines, and an awful lot of contradictory information. It’s super hard to know what the best way to start is and often the amount of commitment involves is massive: it means counting all your calories, avoiding carbs at all costs, or training every single night.

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What you’ll often say is: if only it was simple.

Well, guess what? It is simple. There is one really simple answer to losing weight. And not just losing weight either – this one simple solution will also help you to feel more energetic and alert, it will actually improve your mood and it will help you to boost your muscle mass too. No doubt you’ve already guessed what I’m talking about: it’s in the title of this article after all!

I’m talking about running. And I’m referring to the simple fact that if you go for just two runs a week, you will lose weight. And you will feel healthier.

Yes, it really is that simple. And there are countless more benefits to running too. As you’ll learn as you read this article, the human body is literally born to run. It’s what we’re designed to do. And if you know how to run properly, then you’ll find that it quickly becomes a life-long passion that you never want to give up on! So with all that in mind, the only remaining question – the only caveat – is why everyone doesn’t run already.

If running is so great and so easy, why aren’t you already running every day? The answer is that running has something of a PR problem. Most people seem to believe that running is grueling, unpleasant, slow, and painful. You may well be among those people. You might well think that running is one of the last things you could possibly want to do. And if you feel that way. I don’t blame you! It doesn’t exactly look like it’s a laugh-a-minute.

But running doesn’t have to be hard, it doesn’t have to be unpleasant it doesn’t even have to be hard on the joints.

The simple fact of the matter is that if you aren’t enjoying running or you’re finding it too hard, you’re probably doing it wrong! So read on and we’ll put an end to that. In this article, you’ll learn how to fall in love with running and how to make it work for you.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • Why running is SO good for you
  • How to run with the correct technique
  • How to make running enjoyable
  • How to avoid injury
  • How to avoid the common mistakes of new runners
  • How to stay committed
  • How to increase weight loss
  • How to improve your speed
  • How to support running with the right food and diet
  • Advanced running techniques
  • And much, MUCH more.

So let’s get this show on the road!

